Friday, February 22, 2013

KNEC EOI Customer, Merchant, Employee and Work Environment Satisfaction Survey

Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC)
Request for Expression of Interest
Customer, Merchant, Employee and Work Environment Satisfaction Survey
The Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC) is a state corporation established in 1980 through an Act of Parliament (Cap 225A, Laws of Kenya) to conduct school and post school examinations within Kenya and to award certificates and diplomas to successful candidates in such examinations.
KNEC is inviting eligible and qualified firms to express their interest to carry out a survey to assess the levels of Customer satisfaction, Merchant satisfaction, Employee satisfaction and Work Environment satisfaction. Interested bidders should provide information in their EOI indicating their suitability to perform the assignment by show of relevant documentary evidence of past similar accomplishments. 

To be eligible the firms must provide the following minimum criteria:
  1. Provide statutory legislation documents i.e. copies of PIN, VAT Registration, Certificate of Incorporation/Registration and Tax Compliance certificate.
  2. Demonstrate financial and organizational strength by attaching audited accounts for the last 2 years.
  3. Provide curriculum vitae (CV) of lead consultants (one of whom must possess at least a master’s degree in social sciences), other staff and their qualifications.
  4. Provide details of similar assignments undertaken within the last five (5) years for equally large organizations, including client lists.
  5. Provide company profile including physical address, day time telephone contacts, email contacts.
  6. Knowledge of examinations and other educational issues will be an added advantage.
NB: This is not a request for proposals but an expression of interest. After a review of expressions of interest, a shortlist of the most appropriately qualified firms will be invited to submit their technical and financial proposals through a letter of invitation that will include specific Terms of Reference.
Expression of Interest and accompanying documents should be addressed to:
Council Secretary/Chief Executive
Kenya National Examinations Council,
P O Box 73598 – 00200 City Square
Nairobi, Kenya
And placed in the Tender Box on 6th Floor of the NHC Building, Aga Khan Walk, Nairobi or sent by post so as to reach the above address not later than 11th March 2013 at 10.00am.
Submitted documents will be opened publicly in the Conference Room on 6th Floor, NHC Building soon after the above stated closing date and time in the presence of the tenderers or their representatives who choose to attend. 
Late bids will be returned unopened.
The Kenya National Examinations Council reserves the right to reject any tender without giving reasons for the rejection and does not bind itself to the lowest or any tender.

Council Secretary / Chief Executive Officer