Wednesday, December 19, 2012

5 Ways to get Prepared for Job hunting in 2013

Even though December is generally a slow month for interviews and hiring, job seekers can still take steps this month to help the search process.
Our advise to those looking for work that preparation is paramount. And the way that potential employers perceive job candidates online can make or break your chances at landing an interview and, ultimately, a job.
Today's hiring landscape is much different than it was even five years ago.With the proliferation of mobile technology and social networking, recruiters are using more channels to recruit talent, which means that job seekers must be discoverable, current and professional across multiple platforms.
To help put you on the right path here are several tips for those of you after a new job in the New Year.

  • Get Professional resumes: Job seekers are 40% more likely to land the job they want with a professionally written resume. Consider hiring a professional who can turn your poorly written Resume into a definite crowd puller.
  • Overhaul your Online brand: To monitor their online reputation, you as the job seeker should Google your name regularly. Remove inactive profiles or update them to reflect your current personal brand and resume. In addition, increase the security settings on sites reserved for personal use so recruiters cannot find them.
  • Go over your Social media basics: Job seekers don't need to be experts on every social-media channel, but they must have a basic understanding of the big three: Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn. Applicants should use these sites to strengthen their personal brand online, research target employers or industries, and uncover job opportunities.
  • Look the part/position: Jobseekers need to invest in their image both online and offline with stylish, yet budget-conscious haircuts, updated clothes and professional headshots for online profiles.
  • Get a smarter phone: Owning a smart phone can help your job search. Job seekers should store copies of their resumes on their mobile devices or tablets so they can respond to recruiter requests immediately. This also shows employers is that you are comfortable with new technology.