Request for Expression of Interest
Terms of Reference for Consultancy on Job Evaluation and Skills Analysis for Competition Authority of Kenya (CAK)
A. Background
1. The Competition
Authority of Kenya (the Authority) is an autonomous Authority
established under Section 7 of the Competition Act, No. 12 of 2010 [the
The Authority’s mandate
is to promote and safeguard competition and also protect consumers from
unfair and misleading market conduct in Kenya.
The functions of the
Authority include: receiving and investigating complaints based on the
Act; carrying out of inquiries relating to competition and the
protection of consumers; studying government’s, and also sector
regulators’, policies, procedures and programmes so as to assess their
effects on competition and consumer welfare; advise the government on
matters relating to competition and consumer welfare, and; promoting the
creation of consumer bodies and the establishment of good and proper
standards to be followed by such bodies.
In order to ensure that
the Authority achieves its mandate and also executes its functions
efficiently and effectively, the Authority invites expressions of
interest from eligible consultant firms to provide consulting services
on Job Evaluation [JE] and to undertake a skills analysis for the
Competition Authority of Kenya.
B. Objective of the assignment
2. The main objective of
the exercise is to put a value on jobs and establish a job hierarchy
through an objective system. Specifically, it is expected to: -
(a) Inform the Authority
on optimal staffing levels and in addition highlight the duties of each
job holder in line with the Authority’s emerging Strategic Plan;
(b) Establish new job
descriptions that clearly reflect the academic qualifications,
experience, responsibilities, supervision and reporting relationships
for the Authority in line with (a) above;
(c) Establish a standard
procedure for determining the relative worth of each job in the
Authority based on Equal Pay for Equal Work [EPEW] and Equal Pay for
Work of Equal Value [EPWEV] and ensure equitable and reasonable wage
differentials between different Grades, and;
(d) Promote a fair and accurate consideration of all cadres for advancement and job rotation.
3. The successful
consultant will be expected to determine comparable worth of each job in
similar international Authorities. However, the comparison should be
awake to our national economic environment.
4. It is expected that
the resultant system shall be informed and based on consistency,
fairness and openness, gender neutrality, respect for the Authority’s
values, and most importantly the Constitution and other relevant
Statutes’ provisions.
C. Scope of work
5. The scope of work will cover but not limited to the following: -
i. Provide a detailed guideline to the approach to be adopted for undertaking the JE exercise;
ii. Provide a sequenced
programme of actions, including the necessary preparatory work that must
be completed prior to commencement; interface between the Consultant
and the Authority during the exercise, among others;
iii. Define the methodology and develop the systems and instruments to be used in the exercise;
iv. Identify the desired expertise based on the Authority’s mandate;
v. Classifications, descriptions and specifications of each job;
vi. Proposed grading based on the evaluation system’s results;
vii. Actual job values/worth, and;
viii. Determine the most efficient methods of doing each job.
D. Deliverables
6. The Consultant will be expected to develop:
a) A Strategy Paper
b) A detailed Job Evaluation Report outlining;
i. Job classifications, descriptions and specifications;
ii. Optimal number of staff for the Authority;
iii. Proposed grading based on the evaluation system’s results;
iv. Actual job value/worth; and
v. Recommendations on remuneration and benefits structure.
c) An organizational structure for the Authority.
E. Assignment period
7. The exercise is expected to be completed within forty (40) calendar days from the date of signing of the contract.
F. Management and coordination of the assignment
8. The tasks in the assignment will be undertaken in close and demonstrable consultation with a team from the Authority.
G. Qualifications and experience
9. The Consultant firm must provide the following:
a. Detailed firm profile;
b. Certificate of registration/incorporation;
c. Tax compliance certificate;
d. Names and detailed
Curriculum Vitae of Key assignment Staff, a list of other staff who will
participate in the assignment and their qualifications;
e. Letters of reference from four (4) major clients for whom similar assignments have been undertaken;
f. List and contact
details of the organization for which similar consultancies have been
undertaken over the last five (5) years;
g. A short but very clear
write-up on the firm understanding of what the exercise entails and the
proposed approach, methodology, timing and outputs.
H. Eligibility
a) To avoid conflict of
interest, a firm which has in the past and or is currently providing
recruitment and selection Services and also Strategic Plan development
services to the Authority is not eligible.
CAK invites eligible
consultants to submit an expression of interest detailing interpretation
of the TORS and work plan, with clear timelines, as highlighted in 9
(g) above, and also a budget; marked CAK/2/2012-2013: For Consultancy on
Job Evaluation and Skill Analysis.
Applications should be sent to the address below by 12th March, 2013.
The Director General
Competition Authority of Kenya
P.O Box 36265-00200
Competition Authority of Kenya
P.O Box 36265-00200
Or Deposited in the Tender Box at Kenya Railways Headquarters, Block D, Ground Floor on or before 12th March, 2013 at 11.00 a.m.
Wang’ombe Kariuki