Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Kenya Human Rights Commission (KHRC) Finance and Administration Audit Consultancy

The Kenya Human Rights Commission (KHRC) is a national Non-Governmental Organization with the Mission of promoting, protecting and enhancing the enjoyment of all human rights by all individuals and groups.
To achieve this Mission, our firm belief is that it largely depends on the extent to which human rights practices are adequately rooted in communities.
Our approach therefore seeks to promote the culture of self-reliance amongst communities in order to enhance their independence and by extension their human dignity.
KHRC seeks to recruit a consultant to perform an evaluation of management and internal controls, policies and procedures in place to ensure that the assets of the organization are safeguarded and ensure efficiency of information generated to allow management and board to execute their mandate.
A. Systems Review Scope
The scope encompasses the examination and evaluation of the adequacy and effectiveness of the organization’s governance, risk management process, system of internal control, and the quality of performance in carrying out assigned responsibilities to achieve KHRC’s stated goals and objectives.
B. Consultancy Services Required
The scope of consultancy service shall cover the overall scope of KHRC’s finance and administration.
To this effect, the scope of the assignment shall cover the following areas:
I. Finance and project costing
The review shall cover the adequacy of the accounting and financial operations and reporting systems.
These include: budget control, cash management, certification and approving authority, receipt of funds, and disbursement of funds, recording of all financial transactions in expenditure reports, records maintenance and control, among others.
Review the current project costing structure, make recommendations and implement an effective project costing structure.
Make recommendations of the chart of accounts to be adopted during the implementation of the new financial system. II. Procurement
The review shall cover the competitiveness, transparency and effectiveness of the procurement activities of the project in order to ensure that the equipment and services purchased meet the requirement of KHRC and include the following:
As applicable, delegations of authorities, procurement thresholds, call for bids and proposals, evaluation of bids and proposals and approval/signature of contracts and purchase orders;
Receiving and inspection procedures to determine the conformity of equipment with the agreed specifications and, when applicable, the use of independent experts to inspect the delivery of highly technical and expensive equipment
Evaluation of the procedures established to mitigate the risk of purchasing equipment that do not meet specifications or is later proven to be defective;
Management and control over the variation orders.
Budgetary and expenditure control (including procurement process and procedures)
III. Asset Management
The review shall cover equipment (typically vehicles and office equipment) purchased for KHRC. This section will also include procurement processes and procedures. It will also entail procedures for receipt, storage, and disposal.
IV. Cash and Bank Management (Treasury)
The review shall cover all cash funds held by the KHRC and review procedures for safeguarding of cash. The consultant will also be tasked with providing suggestions about how to invest and build financial liquidity.
V. General Administration
The review shall cover travel activities, vehicle management, office premises and lease management, office communications, and records maintenance.
VI. Information Systems
This is being done by an independent consultant.
VII. Human resources
The review shall cover the competitiveness, transparency and effectiveness of the recruitment and hiring of personnel and include performance appraisal, attendance control, calculation of salaries and entitlements, payroll preparation and payment, and management of personnel records.
VIII. Review of Finance , procurement and Human Resources policies
The consultant will undertake a review of the Finance and procurement policies and further propose amendments to the Human resource policies.
C. Planning
The Consultant shall regularly submit to the Director, Finance & Administration an up-to-date summary of the work schedule.
The audit work schedule is developed based on a prioritization of the consultancy universe using a risk-based methodology.
Any significant deviation from the formally approved work schedule shall be communicated to the Director periodic activity reports.
D. Reporting
A written report will be prepared and issued following the conclusion of each review and will be distributed as appropriate. A copy of each report will be forwarded to the Executive Director and the Director, Finance and Administration.
The report will contain the reviewee’s response and corrective action (to be) taken in regard to the specific findings and recommendations, including a timetable for anticipated completion and a justification for any recommendations not addressed.
E. Knowledge & Skills requirements 
The consultant/ consulting firm should have at least 8 years of professional experience as professional Auditors or accountants in non-governmental audit practice.
They should also have relevant professional qualification and have assumed senior and managerial responsibilities.
They should also be a member of a professional body, for e.g. ICPAK and should have the appropriate authority from the regulatory body to certify accounts in which the audit firm is.
F. Expected Outputs 
The finance, HR and administrative report on the review process with recommendations Revised finance and procurement manuals with some input into HR
A new chart of accounts based on the new financial system being implemented New project costing structure
G. Deliverables and Timelines
Work will begin January 2013. The end of the contract will be determined as work is on-going.
H. Application Procedures
If you meet the criteria above submit an application to admin@khrc.or.ke by 21st December 2012 that includes:
Your company profile Resumes of the key personnel to handle this assignment.
3 Professional referees of whom you have done a similar assignment for.
Costing based on the work described above