Friday, December 9, 2011



Vacancy Announcement – Temporary Appointment
Education Programme Officer – NOB (Lodwar)

Applications are hereby invited from qualified candidates to fill the above Temporary position in the Education Section.  The duration of the appointment is eleven (11) months.

Purpose of the Post: 

Under the overall guidance of the Lodwar Residence Project Officer and the emergency education focal point in Nairobi, the programme officer will be accountable for the development, design, planning, implementation, management, and monitoring of the education programme in Turkana, including the Kakuma Refugee Camp, in addition to other neighbouring northern arid lands.    

Major Duties and Responsibilities:

Technical Support:
Support capacity building within the education sector workshops and trainings to enhance quality education;
Provide technical inputs to education partners and Implementation partners (IPs);
Provision of data and identification of requirements of mobile, regular, and boarding primary schools as well as preschools;
Update and improve the education database for Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASAL) areas to include the most recent information and to manage the data on the drought response supplies for different districts (e.g., education kits, ECD kits and Boarding Kits);
Support for development, implementation and documentation of the Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan (EPRP) at district level in targeted districts; and
Support in identification and development of contracts and project proposals (i.e., Small Scale Funding Agreement) for IPs in Turkana and neighboring arid districts.

Implementation and Monitoring Intervention
Implement and monitor UNICEF-MOE education activities coordinating with other UNICEF sections (e.g., WASH C4D, Child Protection); and
Monitor and analyze education interventions to ensure that the achievements of objectives are consistent with the UNICEF-MOE Rolling Work Plan and UNICEF-IP contracts.  Consult and undertake necessary action required for meeting programme/project results.

Coordination and Communication:
Co-lead the sub-national education emergency cluster with the District Education Officers.
In collaboration with UNHCR and other education partners, strengthen mechanisms to address Education in emergencies in and around Kakuma refugee camp.
Liaise with other sectoral clusters, including Health, WASH and Child protection to ensure issues of importance to the education sector are addressed by them.
Update of the information on the emergency interventions on a daily and weekly basis to the information officer and emergency focal point in the UNICEF Nairobi office.

Resource Mobilization, Partnerships and Advocacy
Prepare and support planning, implementation and feedback for UNICEF National Committees and other visitors in Turkana including the preparation of the briefing note in collaboration with the Communication and other sections in UNICEF.

Identify advocacy issues affecting refugee education.  Sustain advocacy for the right of children and youth to education in Dadaab and host community;

Effectively mobilize and leverage Turkana level partnership and resources to implement the defined activities by the joint work plan; and

Draft at least two fund-raising proposals in collaboration with the UNICEF EYP section in Nairobi

Annual Work Plan areas covered:
The main supporting intermediate Result is Intermediate Result 3:  Emergency, and Intermediate Result 1 Access.  Other Intermediate Results are also covered.

Expected Deliverables:
Updated Education Database for Turkana
Completed District level EPRPs in target districts
Programme Monitoring Tool, listing key programmatic information such as activities, partners, DCT and other financial status, and monitoring visits.
Daily and Weekly situation report.
Monitoring reports.

Desired Background and Experience
Knowledge in various education sub-sectors (e.g. ECDE, Primary, Secondary, Out-of-school youth, life skills, vocational education, education finance, EMIS, curriculum, Child-Friendly School practices).
Demonstrable ability to work with diverse groups of stakeholders and to develop consensus and partnerships;
Demonstrable technical expertise in education in emergencies and development, early recovery and post crisis transition.  An understanding and training in Inter-Agency Network for Education in emergency (NEE) Minimum Standards for education in emergencies would be an added advantage;
Capacity to present ideas in a clear, concise and convincing manner while listening to and acknowledging other people’s perspectives.
IT skills (Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook).
Willingness/ability to be stationed in Dadaab and travel to field locations.

Required Qualifications:

Experience:  Minimum of seven (7) years of significant experience in education development and emergency education and minimum three-year experience in management.  Experience in Education Cluster Coordination and Education and Disaster Risk Reduction in Education.

Language:  Fluency in English (verbal and writing) and another UN language preferred. 

Competencies: Solid analytical, organizational, negotiating, advocacy and planning skills.

Interested and suitable candidates should ensure they forward their applications along with their curricula vitae (internal candidates should attach copies of their last two Performance Evaluation Reports), to:

The Human Resources Specialist
UNICEF Kenya Country Office
Email address:

Please indicate Reference No. “KCO/EDU/2011-31” in the email subject